Laundry Soap Recipe (1 penny per load!!)
1/3 bar Fels Naptha Soap (Zote soap or any other laundry bar soap will work)
1/2 C. Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (Not baking soda!!)
1/2 C. Borax Powder
2 Gallon bucket with lid to store it could use icecream buckets or old laundry soap containers
or the food storage buckets with the Gamma lids.
~Grate the soap (like cheese) and put it in a pan and add 6 Cups of water. Heat until the soap melts, then
add washing soda and borax and stir until it is dissolved. Remove from heat. Pour 4 Cups of HOT tap water
into your bucket. Now add your soap mixture from the pan into the bucket and stir. Then add 1 Gal. + 6 Cups of water
and stir. Let the soap sit 12-24 hrs. and it will make a soft runny gel. Use 1/2 C. per load for a regular washer. If you have
a HE (high efficiancy) washer use 1/4-1/3 C.
That's it!!
^If you want your finished soap to be a thicker gel add more Fels Naptha Soap. Some people use a whole bar per recipe.
^If you want a stronger cleaning boost double the amount of soda and borax per recipe or just add a scoop of Oxyclean powder to that particular load. I use it as is and love it.
^This is a low sudsing soap.
^If you want to add more of a scent to your soap you can scent it with 1/2-1oz. of essential oil or fragrance oil. I personally like
the smell of it already.
^3 boxes of Washing Soda, 2 Boxes of Borax and 14 bars of Fels Naptha soap works out to about 2500 loads.
If you go to Walmart you can find all three of these ingredients right next to each other near the laundry detergent. At their prices it turns out to be about a penny per load for regular machines or 1/2 penny for HE machines.
^All ingredients will store indefinately as long as they stay dry and the bar soap doesn't get excessively hot or it may melt.
I got this recipe from my mother-in-law who got it from a church activity.